Albuquerque Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
Motorcyclists are amongst the most vulnerable individuals on the roads in Albuquerque.
Almost any accident involving a motorcycle on our roads has serious consequences for all parties concerned.
If you’ve been injured as a result of a motorcycle accident that was at least partly due to the negligent or reckless actions of another driver, you should not have to pay for the consequences for the rest of your life.
While no amount of money will adequately compensate for a serious injury, it can help you get your life back on track and draw a line under the event so that you can move on.
Our experienced motorcycle accident lawyers at New Mexico Legal Solutions will advise you of your legal options and manage the claim or litigation process for you.
How can a personal injury lawyer help?
With any preventable and serious motor vehicle accident, it is advisable to seek legal assistance from an experienced personal injury lawyer.
The damages that you have suffered can likely be recovered but it will not happen automatically.
Filing a civil lawsuit and negotiating a settlement with the insurance company can be complex and challenging. Without the experience of working on similar cases, it is very difficult to claim the compensation you are entitled to.
As your personal injury lawyers, we will closely examine the facts of your case, advise you of your legal options and, if a lawsuit is necessary, take immediate action with the insurance company concerned and start preparing for court.
We will aggressively defend your interests.
This will involve:
- Launching a full investigation to gather all of the evidence related to your accident – including contacting the police officers who responded, speaking to witnesses, contacting emergency medical professionals, etc. If necessary, we will hire an accident reconstruction expert for additional analysis.
- Identifying all the liable parties – sometimes there are multiple parties who can be held liable for an accident, including other drivers, motorcycle parts manufacturers, etc.
- Managing all communications with the necessary parties – including contacting the necessary legal entities and answering the questions from the insurance company’s adjustors.
- Negotiating with the insurance company to attain an appropriate settlement, which is usually quicker and more convenient than a court trial.
- Preparing to go to court – we will make it clear that if we do not secure the expected compensation from the insurance company, we are prepared to fight the case in the Albuquerque courts.
- Assisting your recovery – we will take any necessary actions that assist your recovery and wellbeing, such as recommending specialists for medical treatment, arranging bike repairs, handling demands from creditors, etc.
Most personal injury claims are settled out of court. Insurance companies generally prefer to save the legal costs incurred during a trial.
Whatever it takes, we aim to negotiate the best settlement possible on your behalf and will keep you informed of progress.
What are the most common types of motorcycle accidents in Albuquerque?
As experienced motorcycle accident lawyers, we see the same types of accidents occur repeatedly in Albuquerque.
Typically, they involve:
- A left-turn collision: the other driver fails to yield
- Merging without looking: a clear example of driver negligence
- Ignoring right-of-way: again, a negligent action that ignores the duty of care of motorists on the roads
- A speeding motorist: a serious and clearly dangerous breach of road rules
- Ignoring a red light: another serious breach of the road rules
- A rear-end collision: usually when the other driver was following too closely
- A no-contact accident; for example, cutting the motorcyclist off, causing an accident
- A single-vehicle accident: if there is a pothole in the road or other hazard, the City of Albuquerque may be liable
- A product liability accident: for instance, faulty brakes or lights
Each of the above types of accidents can be equally as serious, potentially resulting in life-changing injuries.
Often, the type of accident provides clues as to who is liable. We will investigate the accident fully to determine this and then follow up with the responsible party or parties.
What damages can you claim for a motorcycle accident?
The damages suffered in motorcycle accidents are often significant. Not only are there medical bills running into the thousands of dollars but there are also less-obvious signs of damage such as pain and suffering to consider.
Depending on the circumstances and outcome of your accident, you may be able to claim for:
- Existing medical bills
- Future medical costs of treatment, rehabilitation, etc.
- Lost earnings
- Future lost earnings
- Damage to property (e.g., your motorcycle)
- Pain and suffering
With serious injuries that involve extensive losses, you may be able to claim for all of the above. However, trying to do this alone is a huge challenge.
You may be entitled to six- or even seven-figure sums in the most serious cases that result in brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, and so on.
The insurance company will fight with all its legal might to minimize the payout and most victims are not prepared for this.
We are.
Get the compensation you deserve
While a life-changing injury from a motorcycle accident is impossible to forget, adequate compensation can help you rebuild your life with fewer concerns for the future.
It may also help to know that the justice system has recognized that the accident was not your fault.
Our skilled motorcycle accident lawyers at Legal Solutions of New Mexico are committed to securing you the maximum compensation possible for your injuries.
Start with an initial consultation. Call 505-445-4444 or email us.